Tips For A More Peaceful 2017

Christmas is coming, which means lots of time for celebration and the noise that comes with it. While noise is unlikely to be a problem when we’re all celebrating, when the new year comes, the emphasis usually turns to enjoying a bit of peace and quiet, but what if this peace is interrupted by noisy neighbours or family members? Here are some solutions to consider.

Before moving into the solutions to noise problems let’s explain what causes it.

Sound comes from vibration and this vibration then travels through your home or place of work to varying degrees, depending on how well a building is insulated. So sound has to make its way not only through floors but also subfloors, joists, walls and so on to finally reach your ears as noise.

This why when people jump up and down upstairs, noise levels can become acute and very annoying if it’s coming from people you have no control over like the neighbours.

If it’s coming from your own home you can either stop people jumping up and down upstairs, lay carpet and add cork tiles to walls which should at least help to muffle sound.

If you want to go a step further in reducing noise from say the neighbours then the key is to create a gap within walls and ceilings using additional panels for walls special glues which create the separation in ceilings. If you would like to find out more about how we can help insulate your home better against noise please get in touch.