Super Materials

Each brick or slab that is produced by the printer has a labyrinth structure which forces sound waves to slow down as they enter.

New Generation Of ‘Super Materials’…

…Have The Properties To Bend Sound Waves

There is a sense that we have only just begun to scratch the surface of 3D printing technology and it will no doubt end up being another giant leap forward in technology. One exciting area currently attracting a lot of interest in the press is the production of super materials that are able to bend sound waves and create audio hotspots.

This technology will not only help you get on better with your neighbours it could also revolutionise the sound insulation industry. 3D printing will play an important role in producing bricks the size of fingers that are then formed into a sheet which can control sound in a variety of different ways such as letting in sound at certain times of the day and keeping it out when the occupants of a building need a bit of peace and quiet.

The new super material referred to as meta-material which is finely engineered and produced using 3D printer technology. The material is designed for various purposes using a computer and this is then fed into the printer.

Each brick or slab that is produced by the printer has a labyrinth structure which forces sound waves to slow down as they enter.

Engineers have even produced plastic tubes using meta material which can be used to block out noise simply by pressing a button.

Posted by admin in Insulate Your Home, Metropolitan Insulation, Sound Waves, Soundproofing, Super Materials