Busy roads

Need help protecting your home from noise from busy roads? Metropolitan Insulation can help.

5 common sources of external noise pollution

Noise pollution occurs when sounds exceed a certain level and become annoying and harmful to health.

Noise pollution is a common problem in today’s busy, built-up, technology-driven society, particularly within big cities.

Noise pollution created by external sources outside of our homes can be particularly difficult to deal with as we have no control over it, leaving us feeling helpless.

As well as being very annoying, studies have found that being exposed to constant noise pollution can be damaging to health too.

Here are five of the commonest sources of external noise pollution here in the UK.

Airports and flight paths– Living close to an airport can expose you to significant harmful noise pollution. Studies have found that the constant loud noise created by aeroplanes taking off and landing can be very damaging to health. There are noise limits and restrictions on night flights in place at many UK airports to protect those living close by from noise pollution.

Busy roads – According to the European Environment Agency,road traffic is the biggest source of noise pollution in Europe, accounting for about 70% of all noise pollution. In the UK there is no legal limit to road noise. Living close to a busy road can mean being subjected to the hum and noise caused by vehicles all day and all night long with no respite.

Industrial sources– Living close by to industrial businesses or factories can mean being subjected to the sounds of a variety of bangs, crashes, clanks, vehicles, and electrical whirring and buzzing.

Noisy neighbours– Neighbours that constantly play loud music can quickly turn into a constant source of stress and annoyance. As well as noise from domestic neighbours, people living close to busy pubs and bars may also experience high levels of noise pollution from music and anti-social behaviour.

Construction work – Although most construction projects are only temporary, more long-term construction sites can cause people living nearby a real headache. Councils can serve notices to those carrying out construction work to reduce noise nuisance for those living and working nearby.

If external noise pollution is disrupting your home life, you could benefit from soundproofing your property.

Here at Metropolitan Insulation we provide a wide range of different soundproofing productsand solutions to suit any requirements. Get in touch with our team of experts for further help and advice by calling us on 0800 028 4042.

Posted by admin in Excessive Noise, Improved Insulation, Metropolitan Insulation, Sound Insulation Ideas