Asbestos encapsulation

Asbestos is a dangerous material but only when it is disturbed and broken up

Asbestos encapsulation versus asbestos removal: which is best?

If you find asbestos lurking within your property, it’s important to consult an expert before deciding what to do with it.

Asbestos was a popular building material until it was found to be a dangerous substance and subsequently banned in 1999. It was discovered that fibres of airborne asbestos posed a significant health risk when breathed in.

If you discover asbestos in your property, then it is your responsibility to ensure that it is safely managed.

A couple of options available for managing asbestos include complete removal and encapsulation.

Encapsulation involves covering the asbestos with an impervious material that protects it from damage and prevents any fibres from becoming airborne.

Asbestos removal or encapsulation: which should I choose?

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) any asbestos in your property is safe unless it becomes damaged. Damage can be caused by drilling, sawing, sanding, tearing down, or otherwise disturbing the material so that fibres become airborne.

The right course of action will depend on the condition and extent of the asbestos in your property and a risk assessment should be carried out by an expert prior to any work being carried out.

Advantages of encapsulation

If encapsulation is deemed to be an appropriate course of action, then it has several advantages over removal including:

  • Can usually be completed quicker than removal.
  • Causes less disruption.
  • No need to dispose of hazardous material.
  • Affordable.
  • Minimal risk as asbestos is disturbed less.

If you discover asbestos in your property you should never attempt to remove or encapsulate it yourself. The Control of Asbestos Regulations require this work to be carried out by a trained and licensed professional contractor.

To find out more about how asbestos can be safely encapsulated using our spray foam solutions, give our team of experts a call on 0800 028 4042.

Posted by admin in Asbestos, Asbestos Encapsulation, Asbestos Exposure, Asbestos in a Commercial Property, Metropolitan Insulation