Global Growth In Acoustic Insulation Market…

…Expected To Reach $4,160 Million

A report released this month highlights that demand for acoustic insulation is expected to grow by nearly 6% globally by 2019.

Strict new government regulations are driving growth in all areas of the building insulation industry according to the report. Rising concerns about the health of people living and working in poorly insulated buildings and the need for greater energy efficiency are further reasons for a dramatic risein demand.

While growth is expected globally, Europe currently has the biggest market demand for acoustic insulation. The continent accounts for nearly 38% of total global consumption of insulation materials. Alongside Europe, there is also increasing demand for acoustic insulation in developing nations and innovations and expansion in this area will be further drivers of insulation industry growth in the next four years according to the report.

Asian countries for example have seen a rapid growth in their middle class populations and this has fuelled demand for more comfortable lifestyles. Corresponding growth in the manufacturing industries of developing nations in Asia as well as the building and construction industries has also contributed to further demand for building insulation and associated materials.