Dark side of Silence?? Don’t be daft!

A recent new article on the BBC News website disused a so called ‘Dark Side of Silence. The article goes on to explain about the history of noise through the ages, and various archaic forms of soundproofing. Taking ancient Rome and it’s hustle and bustle of everyday life, where people would simply escape to the relative calm of the hills to get away from it.

Nowadays, thankfully there are more solutions to drown out the noise of city living. In Victorian London, many street musicians and the iron wheels of carriages were most to blame for the constant din of London life. Many authors of the time such as Charles Dickens have written of their madness at such.

The article says that one writer in particular Thomas Carlyle, was ‘nearly driven out of his mind, spent a fortune building a state-of-the-art “soundproof study” in his Chelsea attic’. Unfortunately it didn’t turn out to be a great success.

These days it is possible to live in London and enjoy the peace at the same time. Modern soundproofing techniques can achieve pretty much anything. Just ask us! to prove it!

To read the full BBC News article please click here.