Can Plants Be A Viable Form Of Acoustic Insulation

As the world becomes more eco conscious, the search is always on for materials that can replace man-made materials with materials that are organic or can be recycled. The acoustic insulation industry is no different and there are currently engineers exploring the idea of plants being used as an alternative method to reduce noise.

The research is being carried out at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country by Zaloa Azkorra, an agricultural engineer. During research into the potential of using plants as insulation, it was concluded that there was “great potential” in using plants for the purpose.

In fact it is proposed that the use of plants could help improve quality of life in homes and offices in a number of ways including, noise reduction, increasing biodiversity, controlling rainwater as well asreducing waste and pollution.

The idea does, however, have its drawbacks. If plants are used for wall insulation then it can be difficult to position them so that they receive enough water and thrive in the polyurethane boxes they will be placed in. Wall insulation made from plants has the potential to become a ‘cool’ alternative to usual methods even if it will be more expensive to maintain the systems needed to maintain their effectiveness.

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