3 Signs Your Home Isn’t Insulated Properly

Insulating your home is more important today than it has ever been. In the past the only consideration was for the comfort of the occupants but now a home must reach a certain standard for energy efficiency to be let to tenants or receive a fine. So it pays to be aware of these 3 signs of an uninsulated home.

Draughty rooms
Draughts can come from all sorts of places in the home but the most common sources of drafts are windows and around gaps in doors. Replacing windows and doors is the best way to resolve this issue.

Walls, ceilings and floors feel cold to the touch
If lofts are not insulated properly you may be able to tell by touching walls and ceilings and checking to see if they feel cold. If upstairs bedrooms feel cold it could be a sign that radiators are not working as well as they should or the insulation above needs replacing.

Hot in the summer cold in the winter

One of the biggest giveaways of a poorly insulated room is marked fluctuations in temperature. An extreme example is when you have an unheated uninsulated conservatory that is virtually unusable in the winter and on hot summer days. While rooms within the house are unlikely to be as bad as this, you will still notice that temperatures in the room are not as comfortable as other rooms.